Transmutation and wisdom

Friendly Cooperation opens up the doors for the transmutation of psychic pabula.

Transmutation is the act of changing that takes the former energy or thought you had occupying your mind before and changing that thought to a higher ideal. Evolved people can change other people’s psychic pabula. We have to overcome our inborn instincts changing them if they are negative and creating positive instincts. How are we able to work with each other in Friendly Cooperation? If there are divisive thoughts in the air they distract us. So meditation and spiritual practices are very important for helping us to get along well together. Sarkar said that the goal is to move from instinct to devotion, to create positive instincts and a devotional outlook and transform emotions into devotion. Mutation or change alone is something normal but transmutation which is permanent is special.

Once humans have satisfied their basic physical needs they pursue more subtle intellectual, social and artistic expressions. Social cohesion depends on cooperation and cooperation depends upon social relationships characterized by trust and empathy. In contrast to exclusive sentiments (for example, nationalistic geo-sentiments or groupist oriented socio-sentiments), the Neohumanist sentiment “excludes nothing – everything and everyone is inside its cooperative embrace”. Neohumanistic cooperation is “made possible by the ever-increasing subtlety of the human mind”.[1]


[1] Towsey, M.  “The Biopsychology of Cooperation” in eds. Karlyle J. and Towsey M., Understanding Prout,– Essays on Sustainability and Transformation, Volume 1, p. 42. Australia: Proutist Universal, 2010. (

What is Wisdom?

Dada Dhyaneshananda is researching what is wisdom and how it is contained in our brain cells, noting P. R. Sarkar’s words in the discourse “The Mind grows in Magnitude”[1] that without knowledge of the brain cells, spiritual realization is not possible.

The resultant of the conflict of opinion between thoughts based on emotion and conscience is Wisdom.

The non-influenced ideas and opinions of a person not based on emotion and conscience, rather based on the resultant of emotions and conscience should be the original source of wisdom. Though this type of spiritually oriented personalities are not always easily available as per our need, we always get someone according to our need may be not in quantity but in qualities to fulfill our desire to establish a spiritual based society.

Where is wisdom stored in the brain?

The prefrontal cortex figures prominently in several wisdom subcomponents (e.g. emotional regulation, decision-making, value relativism), primarily via top-down regulation of limbic and striatal regions.

I think Sarkar’s Stories are the ‘Wisdom’ for us. 

Dada Dhyaneshananda


[1] Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, “The Mind grows in magnitude”, Yoga Psychology. (Kolkata: Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha).

Transmutation videos

Dog singing imitating owner:

The dog is trying to sing together with her human friend whose instinct is more developed.[1] This is a practical example of transmutation of instinct in an animal, in this case the dog’s mind. The dog is singing with her master because she loves him and wants to make him happy. If animals have this capacity is it not possible that humans can do this, or is our ego stopping us?


Baby and dog laughing: