La Teoria MICROVITA, di P.R. Sarkar, e le sue applicazioni
MICROVITUM: la misteriosa emanazione del Fattore Cosmico
di P.R. Sarkar
La Teoria di Sarkar sulla costituzione della Materia
e l’Inizio della Vita nell’Universo.
di Richard Gauthier
– Microvita and the Origin of Species
– Towards a new Science of Matter, Life and Mind
Modello Superluminale Elicoidale dell’Elettrone e del Fotone
Richard Gautier, ha lavorato estensivamente sulla teoria Microvita elaborando alcune ipotesi, sul “Modello Elicoidale Superluminale per l’Elettrone e il Protone”, e”Microvita e l’origine della Vita” che descrive in dettaglio nel suo libro.
La Microvita: Un nuovo concetto che unisce spirito e materia
Prof. Uttam K. Pati. La radice della vita è nella microvita unitaria e non nei protozoi unicellulari o nelle cellule protoplasmiche unitarie. Poiché le microvita sono una creazione della fase interna dell’evoluzione, le microvita positive possono associare la mente ad un corpo, e coscienza alla materia, e le microvita negative, presenti nei virus o nei batteri, potrebbero decomporre i corpi. Le Microvita – portatrici di vita – non sono di natura carbonica, possono così creare e distruggere menti e corpi.
Matter is an energy container composed of microvita
In ” Microvita and Cosmology” P. R. Sarkar proposed that matter is the container of energy and not energy itself. The present author proposes that the material containers of energy are composed of microvita—sub-atomic living entities proposed by Sarkar that give form to energy and create matter and minds. These hypotheses may shed new light on the relationship of matter to energy, and may lead to the discovery of a new formative force of nature—microvita.
Matter is an Energy Container Composed of Microvita. Available from:
A Transluminal Energy Quantum Model Of The Cosmic Quantum
An internally transluminal model of the hypothesized unique cosmic quantum of the very early universe is proposed. It consists of a closed-loop photon model, which has the total mass-energy of the atomic matter and dark matter of our observable universe that will develop from it. The closed-loop photon model is composed of a rapidly circulating point-like transluminal energy quantum (TEQ). This TEQ circulates in a closed helical path with a maximum speed of c and a minimum speed of around the photon model’s one-wavelength closed circular axis. The transluminal energy quantum model of the cosmic quantum is a boson. The cosmic quantum model may help shed some light on several fundamental issues in cosmology, such as the nature of the cosmic quantum, the predominance of matter over antimatter in our universe, the possible particles of dark matter, the quantum interconnectedness of the universe, and the very low entropy of the very early universe. The cosmic quantum may be the first particle of dark matter, from which all other particles are derived.
A Transluminal-Energy Quantum Model of the Cosmic Quantum. Available from: