The Book Cover
The book developed as a cooperative effort, under Dada Dhyaneshananda’s guidance, sharing thoughts, ideas and examples, discussed in Friendly Cooperation Team meetings, and it is written jointly by the team members. The meetings covered subjects related to establishing the theory behind Friendly Cooperation like transmutation of psychic pabula, outer-suggestion and auto-suggestion, incantation and spiritual ideas for being able to help our minds move towards Friendly Cooperation. Participants shared many examples of Friendly Cooperation from their own experience and work and family situations, which are reported to help gain a better understanding of Friendly Cooperation. So the book is a combination of theoretical topics and practical examples and stories.
All members of the Friendly Cooperation Team contributed to writing the chapters and supplying examples and stories.
The first three chapters cover how the concept of Friendly Cooperation came about and why it is important now, some examples of it in practice and an analysis of how Friendly Cooperation is developed. The last three chapters focus on Friendly Cooperation in practice including how to overcome obstacles to it; what are its benefits, and how to promote it? Dada Dhyaneshananda’s original essays on Friendly Cooperation comprise Appendices one to six of the book. Particular ideas which emerged as keys to Friendly Cooperation are an intuitional approach, association with developed minds, and always keeping a balance between emotional expression and the guidance from conscience.
In addition, we noted learning to be a good listener, being kind and present for others, and creating an agreement, or set of norms for how we want to treat each other so that we use Friendly Cooperation as a way of interacting with one another whether in the family, at work, in a project, or society in general. The aim is to establish points on which everyone agrees and interact with one another using Friendly Cooperation. There will be differences between people but we can resolve them using Friendly Cooperation.
We want to inspire and motivate more and more people towards Friendly Cooperation. If these ideas spread through a growing network of people acting as diffusers then there is scope for us to do something positive for human society which is in crisis.
The Friendly Cooperation Team
The work is in evolution. Your feedback and suggestions and your examples of Friendly Cooperation would be greatly appreciated. Please share them with us and any photos or videos or appropriate material.
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To obtain a pdf of the book and for feedback and suggestions, please write to Dada Dhyaneshananda: or Margaret Rathwell: